by Javier | Apr 2, 2021 | How to Apply, Qualifications
What will qualify you for social Security disability benefits, is having a severe medical or mental condition that prevents your ability to hold a job on a sustain basis. In order to determine if you have a medical or mental condition severe enough to impair you from...
by Javier | Mar 26, 2021 | Benefits, Qualifications
It is here where it becomes a little more complicated since many of the questions ask at a Social Security application for disability benefits are not expected by most people and it is not clearly available when you apply. It is for this reason I urge to go to...
by | Mar 19, 2021 | Benefits, Qualifications
There are two different types of disability benefits the first is regular SSID which is your insurance plan within your Social Security program. The second, is SSI, this one is basically the same, with the exception that this program was created for people who do not...
by | Mar 12, 2021 | How to Apply
First, that there is a lot of bad information on the internet, including some people who provide incorrect information. Second, before you apply you may want to have a free consultative to discuss the uniqueness of your individual case there are so many things you...
by | Mar 5, 2021 | How to Apply
It is here where it becomes a little more complicated since many of the questions ask at a Social Security application for disability benefits are not expected by most people and it is not clearly available when you apply. It is for this reason I urge to go to...